This is a picture of myself. Most people know me as oldbear190.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bob Timmerman gets snotty with me

During last nights game I had this snide remark to say...
Pierre really is brain dead at the plate. I cant think of even a baseball 'purist' that would enjoy watching him play.

To which Bob Timmerman replied...
I will alert all baseball fans who don't agree with you that they should stop coming to games or following the sport so as not to destroy your love of the game.

I will also have the Cardinals World Series championship from last year revoked too.

Anything else I can do while I'm up?

And me, being the stupid, clueless son of a bitch I am, thinks Bob Timmerman's the one with the problem. As I respond....
Geez Bob.

Whats your problem?


Anonymous said...

You like lamp, don't you?

Anonymous said...

It was the best of thoughts. It was the worst of thoughts...

You, like alot of other DT regulars make DT a very ugly place. It's been ugly for a while. After a week of reading every rule on the blog broken, the creator asks people to obey the rules. why do I, mr.or miss anonymous lurker care? I guess it was weird to see the whimp ignore tons of comments and as soon as someone who isn't a "regular" uses the word Jesus in a post that poster is asked quickly to ban themselves...a day or so after Dodger Thoughts became Racist Rants extolling the virtue of the freedom of hate speech.

The worst of was the ignorant, apparently curly headed poster that didn't know nappy was a racial slur and had to go RESEARCH it on the internet. He posted something to the effect that he used the word all the time and with his friends. I'd bet he has no black friends. So, you apparently made a huge tool out of yourself for a long time without knowing it. Congratulations! You are now like all the other Dodger Thoughts regulars that think they know everything, repeat themselves daily to make sure everyone else doesn't forget it, and in the process become totally irrelevant to the discourse about baseball on internet blogs.

You should close it, jonny. It's gotten old and your posters have run out of points to make and more importantly ways to heckle non-sabermetric players in a cute manner. Now all they engage in is a boorish, repetitive heckling discourse that is no more thoughtful than the drunken fan in the bleachers. Oh, sometimes interspersed with literary and pop culture references...(pssst...which are now more entertaining that what the blog is supposed to be about). The fact that your "regulars" or "jons" were so quick to just pick up the ridiculous Imus story was sign enough that your guys have run out of worthwhile things to discuss as far as baseball is concerned...that is until they can think up a new Pierre or Luis Gonzales insult? Is that how you want your blog to be?

Your blog was supposed to be thoughtful, right?

Anonymous said...

I cant think of even a baseball 'purist' that would enjoy watching him play.

You'd have to be capable of thinking, first.

Anonymous said...

that post musta worked...DT regulars were on their almost bestest behavior. There is a glimmer of thoughtfulness again. Very good very good...